Building on team-science traditions that go back to the deepest roots of the Laboratory, we strive to be a partner of choice in applying accelerator technologies to the most challenging problems at scales ranging from the laboratory bench to major and often multi-institutional projects.

Leveraging expertise in state-of-the-art superconducting magnets as part of a multi-laboratory project to enhance the productivity of the Large Hadron Collider for discovery science in high-energy physics.

Reprising our role in the Linac Coherent Light Source II project (an X-ray free-electron laser facility at SLAC) by designing soft-X-ray undulators and low-level RF control systems for its high-energy upgrade.

Working with the Laboratory’s Advanced Light Source Upgrade Project to design, build, and commission a state-of-the-art re-envisioning of its accelerator complex that will power discovery science for decades.

Making BELLA Center’s high-power lasers, including the BELLA Petawatt and Hundred-Terawatt Thomson beamlines, accessible to a broad community of researchers through an Office of Fusion Energy Sciences-supported program.

Developing simulation codes that take advantage of exascale computing—capable of a billion-billion (1018) mathematical operations per second—for improved modeling of particle accelerators and fusion plasma devices.

Leading two multi-laboratory Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) projects: the Collaboration for Advanced Modeling of Particle Accelerators (CAMPA) for high-energy physics and the Kinetic IFE Simulations at Multiscale with Exascale Technologies collaboration (KISMET) for fusion energy sciences.