Invent, develop, and deploy particle accelerators and photon sources to explore and control matter and energy
ATAP is a leader in the science of particle accelerators and the technologies that make them possible. We advance the Berkeley Lab and Department of Energy mission through innovation in this vital infrastructure of discovery science, as well as societally critical adjacent areas ranging from quantum computing to the quest for fusion energy.

Our core research programs lead and innovate in advanced computer modeling, potentially game-changing acceleration concepts, superconducting magnets, applications to fusion energy and the uses of ion beams, and the controls and instrumentation that make these complex systems-of-systems possible.

Today’s team science extends across organizational boundaries. We contribute to major accelerator-based and accelerator-adjacent projects throughout the Department of Energy complex and beyond. We work closely with other Berkeley Lab organizations to solve problems using accelerators and beams.

In a flagship example of ATAP’s national-level program leadership, we serve as headquarters of the multi-institutional U.S. Magnet Development Program (USMDP). Sponsored by the DOE’s Office of High Energy Physics, USMDP focuses on advanced magnets and materials that will bring both higher performance and cost-effectiveness to the colliders of the future.

In many cases, multiple ATAP programs and centers contribute to a strategic priority of the Laboratory and the compelling issues of our times. Examples include the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the development of hardware foundations for quantum computing, and the quest for clean, limitless fusion energy.

We trace our roots to the origins of the Laboratory and the dual legacies of its founder Ernest Orlando Lawrence: the first circular particle accelerator and interdisciplinary team science. Learn more about our history, accomplishments, and vision with the video “Excellence in Accelerators.”