Publishing technical papers in the refereed literature and making presentations at conferences and workshops are among the vital ways in which ATAP Division researchers communicate their results.
In general, the corresponding or principal author is listed first. Indicating the broad collaborative nature of our work, some entries (noted in italics) have a corresponding author outside LBNL.
Accelerator Physics for the Advanced Light Source; Advanced Photoinjector Experiment; and Free-Electron Laser Programs
Filippetto, D., Qian, H., Sannibale, F., “Cesium telluride cathodes for the next generation of high-average current high-brightness photoinjectors,” Applied Physics Letters 127, 4 (27 July 2015),
Filippetto, D., et al., “Diagnostic for a high-repetition rate electron photo-gun and first measurements” (invited talk), in Proceedings of Advances in X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers Instrumentation III (Prague, Czech Republic, 13-16 April 2015), S. Biedron, ed., Proc. SPIE 9512 (2015), 95120F-1 through 95120F-9) ,
M.P. Hertlein, A. Scholl, A.A. Cordones, J. H. Lee, K. Engelhorn, T.E. Glover, B. Barbrel [UC Berkeley], C. Sun, C. Steier, G. Portmann and D.S. Robin, “X-rays only when you want them: optimized pump-probe experiments using pseudo-single-bunch operation,” Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 22, 3 (2 May 2015), doi: 10.1107/S1600577515001770.
Huang, R.; Filippetto, D.; Papadopoulos, C.F. et al., “Dark current studies on a normal-conducting high-brightness very-high-frequency electron gun operating in continuous wave mode,” Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams 18, 013401 (12 January 2015),
Sannibale, F., et al., “Tests of photocathodes for high repetition rate x-ray FELs at the APEX facility at LBNL,” in Proceedings of Advances in X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers Instrumentation III (Prague, Czech Republic, 13-16 April 2015), S. Biedron, ed., Proc. SPIE 9512 (2015), 95121N-1 through 95121N-10,
C. Steier, A. Anders, D. Arbelaez, J. Byrd, K. Chow, R. Duarte, J. Jung, T. Luo, A. Madur, H. Nishimura, J. Osborn, C. Pappas, L. Reginato, D. Robin, F. Sannibale, S. De Santis, R. Schlueter, C. Sun, C. Swenson, W. Waldron, E. Wallen, and W. Wan, “Progress of the R&D towards a diffraction limited upgrade of the Advanced Light Source,” poster TUPMA001, unrefereed prepress Proceedings of the Sixth International Particle Accelerator Conference (Richmond, Virginia, 3-8 May 2015).
C. Sun, D.S. Robin, C. Steier, and G. Portmann, “Characterization of pseudo single bunch kick-and-cancel operational mode,” Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams 18, 120702 (18 December 2015),
Weishi Wan, Lucas Brouwer, Shlomo Caspi, Soren Prestemon (LBNL); Alexander Gerbershagen and Jacobus Maarten Schippers (PSI); and David Robin (LBNL), “Alternating-gradient canted cosine theta superconducting magnets for future compact proton gantries,” Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams 18, 103501 (23 October 2015).
BELLA Center
Panagiotis Baxevanis, Zhirong Huang, Ronald Ruth (SLAC), Carl B. Schroeder, “Transverse coherence properties of a free-electron laser based on a transverse gradient undulator,” Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams 18, 010701 (27 January 2015), doi:10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.18.010701.
C. Benedetti, F. Rossi, C.B. Schroeder, E. Esarey, W.P. Leemans, “Laser pulse propagation and phase velocity of laser-driven plasma waves in the weakly-relativistic regime,” Phys. Rev. E 92, 023109 (August 2015), doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.92.023109.
A. Bonatto, C.B. Schroeder, J.-L. Vay, C.G.R. Geddes, C. Benedetti, E. Esarey, W.P. Leemans, “Passive and active plasma deceleration for the compact disposal of electron beams,” Phys. Plasmas 22, 083106 (August 2015), doi:10.1063/1.4928379.
S.S. Bulanov (UC Berkeley), E. Esarey, C.B. Schroeder (LBNL), S.V. Bulanov (Kansai Photon Science Institute, JAEA; Prokhorov Institute of General Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology), T. Zh. Esirkepov, M. Kando (Kansai Photon Science Institute, JAEA), F. Pegoraro (University of Pisa and Istituto Nazionale di Ottica), W.P. Leemans, “Enhancement of maximum attainable ion energy in the radiation pressure acceleration regime using a guiding structure,” Physical Review Letters 114, 105003 (13 March 2015), doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.105003.
S.S. Bulanov, E. Esarey, C.B. Schroeder, W P. Leemans, S.V. Bulanov, D. Margarone, G. Korn, T. Haberer, “Helium-3 and Helium-4 acceleration by high power laser pulses for hadron therapy,” Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams 18, 061302 (24 June 2015).
J. Daniels (LBNL and TU-Eindhoven), J. van Tilborg, A.J. Gonsalves, C.B. Schroeder, C. Benedetti, E. Esarey, W.P. Leemans, “Plasma density diagnostic for capillary-discharge based plasma channels,” Physics of Plasmas 22, 073112 (15 July 2015); doi:10.1063/1.4926825.
C.G.R. Geddes, S. Rykovanov, N.H. Matlis, S. Steinke, J.-L. Vay, E. Esarey, B. Ludewigt, K. Nakamura, B.J. Quiter, C.B. Schroeder, C. Toth, W.P. Leemans, “Compact quasi-monoenergetic photon sources from laser-plasma accelerators for nuclear detection and characterization,” in Proc. 23rd Conf. on Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (San Antonio, Texas, US, May 2014), Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 350 (31 January 2015), pp. 116-121; doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2015.01.013.
B.B. Godfrey and J.-L. Vay, “Improved numerical Cherenkov instability suppression in the generalized PSTD PIC algorithm,” Computer Physics Communications 196 (2015), pp. 221-225.
Anthony Gonsalves, Kei Nakamura, Joost Daniels, Hann-Shin Mao, Carlo Benedetti, Carl B. Schroeder, Csaba Toth, Jeroen van Tilborg, Daniel Mittelberger, Stepan Bulanov, Jean-Luc Vay, Cameron Geddes, Eric Esarey, Wim P. Leemans, “Generation and pointing stabilization of multi-GeV electron beams from a laser plasma accelerator driven in a pre-formed plasma waveguide,” Phys. Plasmas 22, 056703 (15 May 2015), doi:10.1063/1.4919278; after invited talk K12 by W.P. Leemans, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 59, 189 (2014.
Thomas Heinzl (Plymouth University, UK), Chris Harvey (Plymouth University, UK; Queen’s University, Belfast), Anton Ilderton (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden), Mattias Marklund (Chalmers University of Technology and Umeå University, Sweden), Stepan S. Bulanov, Sergey Rykovanov, Carl B. Schroeder, Eric Esarey, Wim P. Leemans, “Detecting a radiation reaction at moderate laser intensities,” Phys. Rev. E 91, 023207 (18 February 2015), doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.91.023207.
P. Lee (CNRS), J.-L. Vay, “Efficiency of the Perfectly Matched Layer with high-order finite difference and pseudo-spectral Maxwell solvers”, Computer Physics Communications 194, 1-9 (September 2015),
P. Lee, T.L. Audet, R. Lehe, J.-L. Vay, G. Maynard, B. Cros, “Modeling laser-driven electron acceleration using WARP with Fourier decomposition,” in Proceedings of the 2nd European Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop (Isola d’Elba, Italy, 13-19 September 2015), Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A (in press), orrected proof available online 31 December 2015, ISSN 0168-9002,
K.V. Lotov (Novosibirsk State University and BINP), J.-L. Vay, “Summary of working group 6: Theory and simulations,” Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A, in Proceedings of the 2nd European Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop (Isola d’Elba, Italy, 13-19 September 2015), in press, corrected proof available online 18 December 2015, ISSN 0168-9002,
A.D. Roberts (Minnesota State University, Mankato), C.G.R. Geddes, N. Matlis, K. Nakamura, J.P. O’Neil, B.H. Shaw, S. Steinke, J. van Tilborg, W.P. Leemans, “Measured bremsstrahlung photonuclear production of 99Mo (99mTc) with 34 MeV to 1.7 GeV electrons,” Applied Radiation and Isotopes 96, 122–128 (February 2015), doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2014.11.008.
S.G. Rykovanov, C.B. Schroeder, E. Esarey, C.G.R. Geddes, and W.P. Leemans, “Plasma Undulator Based on Laser Excitation of Wakefields in a Plasma Channel,” Physical Review Letters 114, 145003 (10 April 2015); doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.145003.
J. van Tilborg, S. Steinke, C.G.R. Geddes, N.H. Matlis, B.H. Shaw, A.J. Gonsalves, J.V. Huijts, K. Nakamura, J. Daniels, C.B. Schroeder, C. Benedetti, E. Esarey, S.S. Bulanov, N.A. Bobrova, P.V. Sasorov, and W.P. Leemans, “Active plasma lensing for relativistic laser-plasma-accelerated electron beams,” Physical Review Letters 115, 184802 (28 October 2015), doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.184802.
J.-L. Vay, R. Lehe, H. Vincenti (LBNL and CEA-Saclay), B.B. Godfrey (LBNL and University of Maryland), I. Haber (University of Maryland, P. Lee (CNRS), in Proceedings of the 2nd European Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop (Isola d’Elba, Italy, 13-19 September 2015), “Recent advances in high-performance modeling of plasma-based acceleration using the full PIC method,” Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A, in press, corrected proof available online 22 December 2015, ISSN 0168-9002,
H. Vincenti, J.-L. Vay, “Detailed analysis of the effects of stencil spatial variations with arbitrary high-order finite-difference Maxwell solver,” Computer Physics Communications, corrected proof available online 22 November 2015, ISSN 0010-4655,
Center for Beam Physics
Jungbae Bahng (Kyungpook National University); Ji Qiang; Eun-San Kim (Korea University Sejong Campus), “Design study of low-energy beam transport for multi-charge beams at RAON”, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 804 (September 2015), pp. 99-107,
J. Qiang, “Wide energy bandwidth accelerating cavities,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 795, p. 77 (September 2015),
M. Venturini and G. Penn, “A non-conventional ERL configuration for high-power EUV FELs”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 795 (21 September 2015), pp. 219-227, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2015.05.069.
M. Venturini, “CSR-induced emittance growth in achromats: Linear formalism revisited”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 794 (11 September 2015), pp. 109-112, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2015.05.019.
M. Venturini and J. Qiang, “Transverse space-charge induced microbunching instability in high-brightness electron bunches,” Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams 18, 054401 (11 May 2015).
Fusion Science & Ion Beam Technology
Fusion Science and NDCX-II
Q. Ji, P.A. Seidl, W.L. Waldron, J.H. Takakuwa, A. Friedman, D.P. Grote, A. Persaud, J.J. Barnard, and T. Schenkel, “Development and testing of a pulsed helium ion source for probing materials and warm dense matter studies”, in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Ion Sources (New York, New York, USA, August 2015), Rev. Sci. Instrum 87, 02B707 (2016);
Peter A. Seidl, John J. Barnard (LLNL), Ronald C. Davidson (PPPL), Alex Friedman (LLNL), Erik P. Gilson (PPPL), David Grote (LLNL), Qing Ji, I.D. Kaganovich (PPPL), Arun Persaud, William L. Waldron, Thomas Schenkel, “Short-Pulse, Compressed Ion Beams at the Neutralized Drift Compression Experiment”, submitted to Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications (IFSA 2015),
Peter A. Seidl, Arun Persaud, William L. Waldron (LBNL); John J. Barnard (LLNL), Ronald C. Davidson (PPPL), Alex Friedman (LLNL), Erik P. Gilson (PPPL); Wayne G. Greenway; David P. Grote (LLNL), Igor D. Kaganovich (PPPL); Steven M. Lidia Matthew Stettler, Jeffrey H. Takakuw, Thomas Schenkel (LBNL), “Short intense ion pulses for materials and warm dense matter research,” Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 800 (2015), pp. 98-103, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2015.08.013.
Peter A. Seidl, Wayne G. Greenway, Steven M. Lidia, Arun Persaud, Matthew Stettler, Jeffrey H. Takakuwa, William L. Waldron, Thomas Schenkel (LBNL); John J. Barnard, Alex Friedman, and David P. Grote (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory); Ronald C. Davidson, Erik P. Gilson, Igor D. Kaganovich (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory), “Short intense ion pulses for materials and warm dense matter research”, arXiv:1506.05839 (preprint; submitted to peer-reviewed journal).
Ion Beam Technology
A. Anders, “Magnetron sputtering – an unfinished journey,” 2015 Donald M. Mattox Tutorial, Society of Vacuum Coaters TechCon, Santa Clara, CA, 29 April 2015.
A. Anders, “High power impulse magnetron sputtering: fundamentals, recent results, and applications,” opening keynote, 2015 Taiwan High Density Plasma Coatings Forum, Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan, 20-24 April 2015.
A. Anders, “Ion energies in cathodic arcs: Charge exchange collisions allow for the revival of the potential hump theory,” presentation B1-1-5 (unrefereed), ICMCTF’15 – International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings & Thin Films (San Diego, CA, 20–24 April 2015).
A. Anders, “40 years of magnetron sputtering: still an exciting field for discovery,” invited talk presented at the Northern California Chapter of the American Vacuum Society 36th Annual Symposium & Equipment Exhibition (San Jose, CA, February 2015).
A. Anders, “40 years of magnetron sputtering: still an exciting field for discovery,” invited lecture at the University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2015.
A. Bienfait (CEA-Saclay); J.J. Pla (London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London); Y. Kubo (CEA-Saclay and Bar Ilan University); M. Stern and X. Zhou (CEA-Saclay and CNRS); C.C. Lo, C. D. Weis, T. Schenkel; M. Thewalt (Simon Fraser University); D. Vion and D. Esteve (CEA-Saclay); B. Julsgaard and K. Mølmer (Aarhus University); J. Morton (London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London), and P. Bertet (CEA-Saclay), “Reaching the quantum limit of sensitivity in electron spin resonance”, Nature Nanotechnology, published online Dec. 14, 2015,
J. Gardener, M.R. Squillante, V. Nagarkar (Radiation Monitoring Devices, Inc.), K.M. Yu (City University of Hong Kong), and A. Anders, “Intermediate band solar cells on highly mismatched alloys of ZnTe,” unrefereed poster for the Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Symposium B: Thin-Film Compound Semiconductor Photovoltaics (San Francisco, California, 6-10 April 2015).
M. Panjan, Y. Yang, J. Liu, and A. Anders, “Dynamics and potential structure of ionization zones in magnetron discharges,” presentation F2-2-4 (unrefereed), ICMCTF’15 – International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings & Thin Films (San Diego, CA, 20–24 April 2015).
Koichi Tanaka (Central Research Institute, Mitsubishi Materials Corp., and LBNL) and André Anders, “Temporal evolution of ion energy distribution functions and ion charge states of Cr and Cr-Al pulsed arc plasmas,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 33, 061301 (20 July 2015), doi: 10.1116/1.4926750.
Koichi Tanaka (Central Research Institute, Mitsubishi Materials Corp., and LBNL), Liang Han (LBNL and Xidian University, Shanghai, PRC), Xue Zhou (LBNL and Harbin Institute of Technology, PRC), and André Anders, “Adding high time resolution to charge-state-specific ion energy measurements for pulsed copper vacuum arc plasmas”, Plasma Sources Science and Technology 24, 045010 (15 July 2015), doi:10.1088/0963-0252/24/4/045010.
C. Steier, A. Anders, D. Arbelaez, J. Byrd, K. Chow, R. Duarte, J. Jung, T. Luo, A. Madur, H. Nishimura, J. Osborn, C. Pappas, L. Reginato, D. Robin, F. Sannibale, S. De Santis, R. Schlueter, C. Sun, C. Swenson, W. Waldron, E. Wallen, and W. Wan, “Progress of the R&D towards a diffraction limited upgrade of the Advanced Light Source,” poster TUPMA001, unrefereed prepress Proceedings of the Sixth International Particle Accelerator Conference (Richmond, Virginia, 3-8 May 2015).
J. Wang, V.R. Thota, E.A. Stinaff, W.M. Jadwisienczak (Ohio University) and A. Anders, “Structural and optical studies of InGaN/GaN superlattices implanted with Eu3+ ions,” unrefereed poster PS-37 for the Materials Research Society 57th Electronic Materials Conference (Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 24-26 June 2015).
Y. Yang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, PRC, and LBNL), J. Liu (UC Berkeley and LBNL), Y. Qiu, and A. Anders, “Direction and sub-structures of ionization zones in DC magnetron sputtering,” presentation TS-5-4 <(unrefereed), ICMCTF’15 – International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings & Thin Films (San Diego, CA, 20–24 April 2015).
Yuchen Yang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, PRC, and LBNL), Koichi Tanaka (LBNL and Central Research Institute, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation), Jason Liu (UC Berkeley and LBNL), and André Anders, “Ion energies in high power impulse magnetron sputtering with and without localized ionization zones,” Applied Physics Letters 106, 124102 (23 March 2015); doi:10.1063/1.4916233.
Superconducting Magnet Program
Accelerator Research and Development Subpanel, High Energy Physics Advisory Panel, “Accelerating Discovery: A Strategic Plan for Accelerator R&D in the U.S.,” U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science publication (April 2014). Steve Gourlay of ATAP is among the team of authors; ATAP staff Soren Prestemon, Wim Leemans, John Byrd, and Eric Esarey made presentations to the Subpanel.
H. Bajas (CERN); G. Ambrosio, M. Anerella (FNAL); M. Bajko (CERN); R. Bossert (FNAL); L. Bottura (CERN); S. Caspi, D. Cheng (LBNL); A. Chiuchiolo (CERN); G. Chlachidze (FNAL);, D. Dietderich, H. Felice (FNAL); P. Ferracin, J. Feuvrier (CERN); A. Ghosh (BNL); C. Giloux (CERN); A. Godeke, R. Hafalia, M. Marchevsky (LBNL); E. Ravaioli (CERN and Univ. of Twente); G. Sabbi (LBNL), T. Salmi (Tampere Univ. of Tech.); J. Schmalzle (BNL); E. Todesco (CERN); P. Wanderer (BNL); X. Wang (LBNL); M. Yu (FNAL), “Test Results of the LARP HQ02b Magnet at 1.9 K,” Proc. 2014 Applied Superconductivity Conf. (Charlotte, North Carolina, US, 10-14 Aug. 2014), IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity 25, 3 (June 2015) 4003306,
F. Borgnolutti (LBNL); G. Ambrosio, R. Bossert, G. Chlachidze (FNAL); D. Cheng, D. Dietderich, H. Felice, A. Godeke, R. Hafalia, M. Marchevsky, G. Sabbi (LBNL); J. Schmalzle, P. Wanderer (BNL); M. Yu (FNAL), “Fabrication of a Third Generation of Nb3Sn Coils for the LARP HQ03 Quadrupole Magnet,” Proc. 2014 Applied Superconductivity Conf. (Charlotte, North Carolina, US, 10-14 Aug. 2014), IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity 25, 3 (June 2015) 4002505,
M. Iio, T. Nakamoto (KEK); Q. Xu (IHEP); N. Higashi, T. Ogitsu, K. Sasaki, A. Terashima, K. Tsuchiya, A. Yamamoto, R. Okada, M. Iida (KEK); A. Kikuchi, T. Takeuchi (NIMS); G. Sabbi (LBNL); A. Zlobin, E. Barzi (FNAL), “Test results of a Nb3Al/Nb3Sn Subscale Magnet for Accelerator Application,” Proc. 2014 Applied Superconductivity Conf. (Charlotte, North Carolina, US, 10-14 Aug. 2014), IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity 25, 3 (June 2015) 4003405,
M. Marchevsky, G. Sabbi (LBNL); H. Bajas (CERN); S. Gourlay (LBNL), “Acoustic emission during quench training of superconducting accelerator magnets”, Cryogenics 69 (31 March 2015) pp. 50-57,
M. Marchevsky, R. Hafalia, D. Cheng, S. Prestemon, G, Sabbi (LBNL); H. Bajas (CERN); G. Chlachidze (LBNL), “Axial-field magnetic quench antenna for superconductor accelerator magnets,” Proc. 2014 Applied Superconductivity Conf. (Charlotte, North Carolina, US, 10-14 Aug. 2014), IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity 25, 3 (June 2015) 9500605,
E. Ravaioli (CERN and Univ. of Twente); H. Bajas, V. Datskov, V. Desbiolles, J. Feuvrier, G. Kirby (CERN); M. Maciejewski (CERN and Lodz Univ. of Tech.); G. Sabbi (LBNL); H. ten Kate (CERN and Univ. of Twente); A. Verweij (CERN), “Protecting a Full-Scale Nb3Sn Magnet With CLIQ, the New Coupling-Loss-Induced Quench System,” Proc. 2014 Applied Superconductivity Conf. (Charlotte, North Carolina, US, 10-14 Aug. 2014), IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity 25, 3 (June 2015) 4001305,
G. Sabbi (LBNL); L. Bottura (CERN); D. Cheng, D. Dietderich (LBNL); P. Ferracin (CERN); A. Godeke, S. Gourlay, M. Marchevsky (LBNL); E. Todesco (CERN); X. Wang (LBNL), “Performance characteristics of Nb3Sn block-coil dipoles for a 100 TeV hadron collider,” Proc. 2014 Applied Superconductivity Conf. (Charlotte, North Carolina, US, 10-14 Aug. 2014), IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity 25, 3 (June 2015) 4001407,
Weishi Wan, Lucas Brouwer, Shlomo Caspi, Soren Prestemon (LBNL); Alexander Gerbershagen and Jacobus Maarten Schippers (PSI); and David Robin (LBNL), “Alternating-gradient canted cosine theta superconducting magnets for future compact proton gantries,” Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams 18, 103501 (23 October 2015).
X. Wang (LBNL); G. Ambrosio (FNAL); G. Chlachidze (CERN); E. Collings (Ohio State Univ.); D.R. Dietderich (LBNL); J. DiMarco (FNAL); H. Felice (LBNL); A. Ghosh (BNL); A. Godeke, S. Gourlay, M. Marchevsky, S. Prestemon, G. Sabbi (LBNL); M. Sumption (Ohio State Univ.); G. Velev (FNAL); X. Xu( Ohio State Univ.); A. Zlobin (FNAL), “Validation of Finite-Element Models of Persistent-Current Effects in Nb3Sn Accelerator Magnets,” Proc. 2014 Applied Superconductivity Conf. (Charlotte, North Carolina, US, 10-14 Aug. 2014), IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity 25, 3 (June 2015) 4003006,