The Integrated Safety Management or ISM Plan is the master document that guides our division’s environment, safety, and health policies and practices. The guiding principles and core functions shown below are the key to understanding ISM.
On this page you can also download the ATAP ISM Plan. We encourage all employees to familiarize themselves with it.
ISM Guiding Principles
- Line-management responsibility for safety
- Clear roles and responsibilities
- Competence commensurate with responsibilities
- Balanced Priorities
- Identification of ES&H standards and requirements
- Hazard controls (including environmental controls) tailored to work being performed
- Operations authorization
ISM Core Functions
Five Core Functions of integrated ES&H management underlie any work that could affect the public, the workers, and the environment:
- Define the Scope of Work
- Analyze the Hazards
- Develop and Implement Hazard Controls (including environmental controls)
- Perform Work within Control
- Provide Feedback and Continuous Improvement
ATAP ISM Plan (updated May 2024)
1. 1. Introduction to ISM at ATAP 0524
2. Your ISM Responsibilities
2.1. All ATAP Personnel 0524
2.2. Division Director and Deputies 0524
2.3. Program Heads 0524
2.4. ESH Operations Committee 0524
2.5. ES&H Coordinator 0524
2.6. Program ES&H Coordinators 0524
2.7. Safety Advisory Committee Representative 0524
2.8. Supervisors and PIs 0524
2.9. Project Leads and Activity Leads 0524
2.10. Shop Managers 0524
2.11. Chemical Owners and Managers 0524
2.12. Hazardous Waste Generators 0524
2.13. Electrical Safety & Lockout/Tagout 0524
2.14. Emergency Response and Preparedness 0524
2.15. Building Managers 0524
2.16. Area Safety Leads and Technical Area Work Release 0524
2.17. Matrixed Personnel 0524
2.18. Multi-Division and Multi-Organization Projects 0524
2.19. Shared Spaces 0524
2.20. User Facilities 0524
2.21. Students and Work at UC 0524
2.22. Work Off-Site 0524
2.23. Signed Memorandum of Understanding for Matrixed Engineering Staff 0421
3. ATAP Work, Hazards & Controls
3.1. Integrated Work Planning 0524
3.2. Work Planning and Control Process 0524
3.3. Other Safety Evaluations and Work Authorizations 0524
3.4. Subcontractor and Vendor Oversight 0524
3.5. Hazards, Equipment, and Authorizations Evaluation Form 0524
Funding & Resources
4.1. FY25 Funding and Resources 0524
5. ATAP Self-Assessment Systems
5.1. ATAP Self-Assessment Systems 0524
5.2. Focus Area Self-Assessments [Reserved]
5.3. QUEST
5.3.1 QUEST Checklist for Offices and Common Areas 0524
5.3.2 QUEST Checklist for Labs 0524
5.3.3 QUEST Checklist for Shops 0524