The year saw two major additions to Safety Day: safety seminars focusing on wildfire preparation, and recognition of top performers with individual and team awards.
During Safety Day, we performed cleanup and took care of problems that could be settled immediately within our capabilities. During the cleanup, subsequent QUEST assessments, and management walkthroughs, action items that required more time and resources or professional skills were tabulated.
Focusing on wildfire safety
Like so much of California, the Lab site is vulnerable to wildland fire. Noontime talks by people with professional and personal knowledge of these matters helped us learn to prepare before, survive during, and recover after such a disaster. We’d like to thank the presenters for their time and insight and for making these materials available in this forum.
“Wildland Fire: Risk, Mitigation, and Preparedness,” Todd LaBerge, LBNL Fire Marshall, is available in the form of a video of a 2018 series of presentations to the LBNL community.
“2017 Northern California Firestorm,” Mike Johnson. Living with fire risks at (or, in some cases, well on the city side of) the Bay Area’s urban-wildlands interface.
“Woolsey Fire: A Reflection,” Phillip Weiss. How the Pepperdine campus prepared for and dealt with the 2018 wildfire in Malibu.
Honoring the top achievers of Safety Day
The success of Safety Day is built on an all-hands effort, but some stand out for exceptional dedication and the quality of their contributions. To promote ongoing safety-culture awareness this year, we honored an outstanding individual worker and the top-performing self-assessment team for their Safety Day efforts.
Individual award nominations were solicited from all participants as part of a Safety Day follow-up survey. Divisional officials selected the winning self-assessment team.
Engineering Division machinist Pete Chavez won a close race for the “people’s choice” individual honor, bestowed after voting that was part of the post-event survey. Fellow Safety Day participants praised him as a “most organized and patient co-worker” who strives to “improve all work areas he occupies” and “safely perform difficult tasks” — qualities he displays all year, but especially on Safety Day, where he went “above and beyond” to the point of coming back the next day to put the finishing touches on his contributions. L-R: Engineering Division Safety Coordinator Marshall Granados; ATAP EH&S Coordinator Pat Thomas, ATAP Deputy Division Director for Operations Asmita Patel, Chavez, and Engineering Division Director Henrik von der Lippe.
Top honors among the 18 Workplace Self-Assessment QUEST Teams went to the team that inspected BELLA Center’s hundred-terawatt laser area. Here are the winners and the Lab officials who honored the occasion at an August 23 ceremony. From left: Engineering Division EH&S Coordinator Marshall Granados; Environment, Safety, and Health Division safety specialist Herb Toor; ATAP Division EH&S Coordinator Pat Thomas; Engineering Division Director Henrik von der Lippe; ATAP Deputy Division Director for Operations Asmita Patel; BELLA postdoctoral researcher Hai-En Tsai; ATAP Interim Division Director Thomas Schenkel; BELLA postdoctoral researcher Jeroen van Tilborg; BELLA Deputy Director Cameron Geddes; BELLA staff scientist Kei Nakamura; BELLA postdoctoral researchers Sam Barber, Tong Zhou, and Tobias Ostermayr (leader of the winning QUEST team); and BELLA graduate student Fumika Isono. Not shown: BELLA research assistants Manfred Ambat and Max Wallace.