A partnership between Arizona State University and Berkeley Lab, the ASU–Berkeley Lab STEM Pathways (ABSP) Program creates opportunities for American Indian students interested in pursuing graduate-level studies and careers in science, technology, engineering, and math.

ABSP interns who joined the lab in June included:

(left to right) ATAP BELLA Center Postdoctoral Researcher Armando Felicio Zuffi and ABSP Program student Hannah Nockideneh. (Credit: Matthew Fullmer/Berkeley Lab)

Name & affiliation: Hannah Nockideneh, Arizona State University
Project title: Color-Resolved Focus Diagnostic for a Miniature Laser-Plasma Accelerator
Mentors: Hao Ding and Armando Zuffi
Quote from intern: “During my internship, I had amazing mentors and ATAP staff that enhanced my research skills to be a successful physicist. I’m grateful to have been welcomed back to intern with BELLA for two summers; this experience inspired me to continue working with accelerator physics.


Last summer, Alex Picksley, a research scientist from ATAP’s BELLA Center, mentored Nockideneh under the ABSP program. Nockideneh was one of four students who were the first to participate in the inaugural program. The other three students were Jordan Barriga, Hózhóó Emerson, and Kai-Se’ Toledo.


To learn more …

ASU–Berkeley Lab STEM Pathways (ABSP) Program



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