Paolo Ferracin, senior scientist and deputy head of the Superconducting Magnet Program at ATAP, recently taught a course at the Joint Universities Accelerator School (JUAS), an international graduate school for scientists and engineers studying for a Master’s degree or preparing a doctoral thesis. JUAS delivers an academically accredited program in partnership with CERN, 13 European universities, and the LASCALA Erasmus Mundus joint master’s degree.

The JUAS program covered the essential topics on particle accelerators for ten weeks from January to April. It comprised two consecutive courses: Course 1: The Science of Particle Accelerators, from January 15 to February 16, and Course 2: The Technology and Applications of Particle Accelerators, from February 19 to March 22. Students could take the courses separately or together, with the opportunity to earn European Credit Transfer and Accumulation Systems credits from their home universities.

Paolo Ferracin. (Credit: Thor Swift/Berkeley Lab)

Ferracin taught “Superconducting Magnets” to about 40 students as part of Course 2 at the European Scientific Institute in France.

“The course covered the science and technology of superconducting magnets for particle accelerators and dealt with the properties of the superconducting materials, the magnetic and mechanical design of the magnets, and finally, magnet fabrication and testing,” says Ferracin.

As part of the course, the students conducted eight hours of classes, including a case study. “On the last day, the students completed a final written exam, answering several questions on the topics covered in the course.”

Ferracin’s participation in JUAS is part of a proud ATAP tradition of supporting this and other schools—like the US Particle Accelerator School—that bring new people into the field.


To learn more …

European Scientific Institute: JUAS Presentation



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