Following the success of last year’s Multi-lab Safety Week, ATAP is partnering with the High-Luminosity LHC Accelerator Upgrade Program team at Fermilab, the Magnet Division at Brookhaven National Laboratory, and the Engineering Division at Berkeley Lab to deliver the 2023 Multi-lab Safety Week.

The event will be held from October 2–6, 2023, and is an all-hands, all-hazards event with ongoing learning and education opportunities. So please save these dates on your calendars to minimize conflicts with Safety Week activities.

ATAP Programs will set aside times that work best for them to participate in specific weekly safety activities. We will be focusing on:

  • Workplace cleanups and self-assessments
  • Utilize the time to complete WPC training
  • Attend safety-themed seminars and SAFE workshops as part of ongoing learning and education
  • Conduct management walkthroughs and have peers review labs, shops, and offices
  • A fun trivia game as the close-out event: Not Jeopardy

This year we are also including a SAFE workshop. The SAFE program is an experiential learning program that teaches fundamental skills for managing safety challenges, communication, team dynamics, and psychological safety, providing opportunities to practice responding to real-life scenarios to ensure the safety of Lab personnel and the effective management of Lab activities.

The program aims to:

  • Create positive agents of safety and change within the Berkeley Lab community
  • Promote a culture of physical and psychological safety across all areas of Berkeley Lab
  • Managing safety challenges and implementing key protocols/behaviors
  • Assessing safety hazards, risks, and contingencies; problem-solving accordingly
  • Fostering constructive team communication and dynamics

Plans will be coordinated with program heads and program safety coordinators. (With the division director’s approval, programs with significant, unavoidable project schedule conflicts may choose to conduct some activities before the designated Safety Week).

Further details can be found at 2023 Multi-lab Safety Week. Meanwhile, please be prepared to participate in this highly beneficial investment in safety. We look forward to seeing you there!