Publications & Presentations
Advanced Light Source Program
Sannibale, F. “High-Brightness Electron Injectors for High-Duty Cycle X-Ray Free Electron Lasers,” Front. Phys. Sec. Interdisciplinary Physics 11, 2023.
Sannibale, F. “High-Brightness Electron Injectors for High-Duty-Cycle X-Ray Free Electron Lasers (Part 1 and Part 2)”, at FRIB APES Seminar, Michigan State University, April 7 and 24, 2023.
Accelerator Modeling Program
Bourne, E., Leleux, P., Kormann, K., Kruse, C., Grandgirard, V., Güçlü, Y., Kühn, M. J., Rüde, U., Sonnendrücker, E., and Zoni, E. “Solver comparison for Poisson-like equations on tokamak geometries,” J. Comput. Phys. 488, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2023.112249
Qiang, J. and Wang, E. “Simulation of shot noise effects in the EIC strong hadron cooling accelerator using real number of electrons,” in Proceedings of IPAC2023, WEPA041.
Sandberg, R., Lehe, R., Mitchell, C., Garten, M., Qiang, J., Vay, J.-L., and Huebl, A. “Hybrid Beamline Element ML-Training for Surrogates in the ImpactX Beam-Dynamics Code,” in Proceedings of IPAC2023, WEPA101.
Vay, J.-L., and Huebl, A. “Modeling of Advanced-Concepts of Particle Accelerators at the Exascale,” Guest lecture (virtual) at CSE 6230 course on HPC Tools and Applications, Georgia Institute of Technology, GA, April 13, 2023
Vay, J.-L. “Introduction to the Exascale electromagnetic Particle-In-Cell code WarpX with focus on mesh refinement capabilities,” Joint Princeton Gravity Initiative/Princeton Center for Theoretical Science Workshop on New perspectives in numerical methods for high-energy multiscale astrophysics, Princeton, NJ, April 24-26, 2023
Cropp, F., Moos, L., Scheinker, A. Gilardi, A., Wang, D., Paiagua, S., Serrano, C., Musumeci, P., and Filippetto, D. “Virtual-diagnostic-based time stamping for ultrafast electron diffraction,” Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams (2023), https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.26.052801
Luo, T. “Muon collider and synergies with Linear Collider,” invited talk at Linear Collider Workshop 2023.
Luo, T. “Normal conducting RF cavities for muon ionization cooling,” contributed to P5 Town Hall meeting at SLAC.
Fusion Science & Ion Beam Technology Program
Hou, Y., Garud, M., Ji, Q., Persaud, A., Seidl, P., Schenkel, T., Lal, A., and Afridi, K. “Vertically Stacked Piezoelectric Transformer for High-Frequency Power Amplifier,” 2023 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), Orlando, FL, USA, 2023, pp. 392-396.
Engel, J., Jhuria, K., Polley, D., Lühmann, T., Kuhrke, M., Liu, W., Bokor, J., Schenkel, T., and Wunderlich, R. “Combining femtosecond laser annealing and shallow ion implantation for local color center creation in diamond,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 122 (23), https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0143922