Publications & Presentations
Advanced Modeling Program
O. Shapoval, E. Zoni, R. Lehe, M. Thévenet, and J.-L. Vay. “Pseudospectral particle-in-cell formulation with arbitrary charge and current-density time dependencies for the modeling of relativistic plasmas,” Phys. Rev. E. 110, 025206 (2024).
M. Garten, S. Bulanov, S. Hakimi, L. Obst-Huebl, C. Mitchell, C. B. Schroeder, E. Esarey, C. G. R. Geddes, J.-L. Vay, and A. Huebl. “Laser-plasma ion beam booster based on hollow-channel magnetic vortex acceleration,” Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033148, August 7 (2024).
R. Roussel, A. L. Edelen, T. Boltz, D. Kennedy, Z. Zhang, F. Ji, X. Huang, D. Ratner, A. S. Garcia, C. Xu, J. Kaiser, A. Ferran-Pousa, A. Eichler, J. O. Luebsen, N. M. Isenberg, Y. Gao, N. Kuklev, J. Martinez, B. Mustapha, V. Kain, C. Mayes, W. Lin, S. M. Liuzzo, J. St. John, M. J. V. Streeter, R. Lehe, and W. Neiswanger. “Bayesian optimization algorithms for accelerator physics,” Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 27, 084801 (2024).
A. Huebl, R. Lehe, R. T. Sandberg, M. Garten, A. Formenti, O. Shapoval, C. E. Mitchell, C. Benedetti, and J.-L. Vay. “Simulations of Next-Generation Colliders,” Part of the Report on the Advanced Linear Collider Study Group (ALEGRO) Workshop, March 19-22, Lisbon, Portugal, pub. 6 Aug, 2024.
J.-L. Vay. “Faster! Faster! Highlights in Particle Accelerator Research at NERSC,” NERSC 50th Anniversary Webinar Series, July 12, 2024.
J.-L. Vay. “Software stewardship in SciDAC: portability, reusability, scalability, and efficient use of HPC,” SciDAC PI meeting, Rockville, MD, July 16-18, 2024. [panel contribution]
A. Huebl. “ParaView in High Energy Physics and Fusion Applications,” CASS Community BOF Days, June 12, 2024. [panel contribution]
BACI Program
Devanshu Brahmbhatt, Yilun Xu, Neel Vora, Larry Chen, Neelay Fruitwala, Gang Huang, Qing Ji, and Phuc Nguyen. “An open-source data storage and visualization platform for collaborative qubit control,” Sci. Rep. 14, 22703, 2024,
Fusion Science & Ion Beam Technology Program
Arun Persaud. “Associated Particle Imaging (API): A Nuclear Technique for 3D Elemental,” Interdisciplinary Instrumentation Colloquium, B50 Auditorium, Berkeley Lab, September 26, 2024.
Superconducting Magnet Program
M. Dhakarwal et al., “Development and Testing of HTS Coil With Ceramic Coated REBCO Conductor for High Radiation Tolerance,” in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 1-5, Aug. 2024, Art no. 4603805.
S. Feher et al., “AUP First Pre-Series Cryo-Assembly Design Production and Test Overview,” in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 1-5, Aug. 2024, Art no. 4005605.
J.L. R. Fernández et al., “Interface Characterization for Superconducting Magnets,” in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 1-5, Aug. 2024, Art no. 4703105.
Lee, G. S., Marchevsky, M., Teyber, R., Arbelaez, D., & Prestemon, S. “Impregnation damage monitoring for the canted-cosine-theta magnets using time-domain reflectometry,” Superconductor Science & Technology, 37(6), 065009, 2024.
Wei, J., Alleman, C., Ao, H., Arend, B., Barofsky, D., Beher, S., Bollen, G., Bultman, N., Casagrande, F., Chang, W., Choi, Y., Cogan, S., Cole, P., Compton, C., Cortesi, M., Curtin, J., Davidson, K., Di Carlo, S., Du, X., … Shen, T. Technological developments and accelerator improvements for the FRIB beam power ramp-up. Journal of Instrumentation: An IOP and SISSA Journal, 19(05), T05011, 2024.
Gillespie, K., Baskys, A., Pong, I., and Croteau, J.-F. “Updimensioning strategy derived from synthetic equiaxed grain structures for approximating 3D grain size distributions from 2D visualizations with 1D parameters,” Sci. Rep. 14, 23007 (2024).