A compact 150 keV, multi-beamlet ion accelerator developed in ATAP Division.
At the heart of a wide range of ion beam technology applications is a family of ion sources that use radio-frequency or microwave power for plasma heating. We have adapted this core concept for many purposes, including simple, compact, and efficient neutron and gamma-ray generators for the security missions of the DOE and other agencies.
Scientists in the FS&IBT Program develop plasma technologies to create thin films, nanoparticles, and multilayer devices. These technologies have many applications where special films or surfaces are needed, such as superconducting magnets, bio-compatible protective coatings, and surfaces tailored for low charge and spin noise to protect the coherence of spin-photon qubits.
One of our key strengths and responsibilities is service to ion-accelerator-based projects in the DOE and elsewhere. We work closely with the Berkeley Accelerator Controls & Instrumentation (BACI) Program in ATAP and Berkeley Lab’s Engineering Division.

Example of a low temperature plasma chamber used for studies of fundamental plasma and fusion energy science.
Our work on multi-laboratory projects such as the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Proton Improvement Plan II project at Fermilab has positioned Berkeley Lab as a leading resource for the technically challenging “front end” of ion accelerators, which accelerates beams to very high energies in a very short time and distance.