Ever-stronger magnets are an enabling technology for tomorrow’s high-energy particle accelerators and for upgrading today’s facilities to enhance physics. Because of the scale of these accelerators, the magnets must be cost-effective and meet performance requirements that push the limits of magnet technology.
To meet these demanding needs, we serve as lead lab for the US Magnet Development Program (USMDP), which the DOE Office of High Energy Physics sponsors. SMP researchers focus on high-risk/high-reward R&D that expands the limits of superconducting magnet technology while coordinating closely with USMDP partners Fermilab, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and the Advanced Superconductivity Center/National High Magnetic Field Laboratory.
The mission of the US-MDP is to
- Maintain and strengthen US Leadership in high-field accelerator magnet technology for future colliders.
- Further develop and integrate magnet research teams across the partner laboratories and US Universities for maximum value and effectiveness to the program.
- Identify and nurture cross-cutting/synergistic activities with other programs (e.g., Fusion) to rapidly advance toward our goals.
SMP researchers are involved in all core US-MDP program elements, including stress-managed high-field accelerator magnet concepts, high-temperature superconducting magnets, advanced modeling and analysis, and novel diagnostics and instrumentation. We also coordinate the Conductor Procurement and R&D element of the USMDP.